Richard Ingrams
Richard Ingrams | |
Rođenje | Richard Reid Ingrams 19. 8. 1937. London, Engleska, UK |
Prebivalište | Aldworth, Berkshire, Engleska |
Nacionalnost | Britanac |
Alma mater | University College Oxford |
Zanimanje | autor, biograf, novinar, urednik |
Suprug/a | Mary Morgan (vj. 1962) Sara Sudain (vj. 2011) |
Djeca | 3 |
Roditelji | Leonard St Clair Ingrams Victoria Reid |
Richard Ingrams (London, 19. 8. 1937. – ), britanski autor, biograf, novinar i urednik. Suosnivač je satiričkog časopisa Private Eye i utemeljitelj mjesečnika The Oldie.
Ingrams je rođen 1937. u Londonu kao sin Leonarda Ingramsa i Victorije Reid (unuka Sir Jamesa Reida), koji su imali još tri sina uključujući bankara i opernog organizatora Leonarda V. Ingramsa. Richard je pohađao osnovnu školu West Downs u Winchesteru i srednju školu Shrewsbury gdje je upoznao Willieja Rushtona i zajedno s njim uređivao školski časopis. Nakon što nije primljen u britansku vojnu službu, upisao se na University College Univerziteta u Oxfordu gdje je postao blizak prijatelj s Robinom Butlerom (budućim članom Doma lordova) i Paulom Footom (kasnijim istraživačkim novinarom i ljevičarskim radikalom) nakon čije će smrti napisati biografiju. Godine 1962. Ingrams se vjenčao s Mary Morgan i istovremeno zajedno s Rushtonom utemeljio satirički časopis Private Eye, utjecajno glasilo koje je bilo dio tzv. satiričkog booma u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu. Mjesto urednika napustio je 1986. (zamijenio ga je Ian Hislop), a 1992. osnovao je novi humoristični časopis The Oldie, mjesečnik namijenjen starijoj publici. Kasnije je pisao kolumne za The Observer i The Independent, i redovno pojavljivao se na kvizu The News Quiz. Njegov The Oldie bio je jedan od prvih britanskih časopisa koji je objavio kontroverze vezane uz Savileovo zlostavljanje djece. Nakon što je ušao u osobni sukob s Jamesom Pembrokeom, Ingrams je 2014. napustio The Oldie i posvetio se pisanju biografija.
- Autor
- Mrs Wilson's Diary (koautor: John Wells), 1965
- Mrs Wilson's Second Diary (koautor: John Wells), 1966
- Mrs Wilson's Diaries (koautor: John Wells), 1967
- The Tale of Driver Grope (koautor: Ralph Steadman), 1969
- The Bible for Motorists: By Old Jowett (koautor: Barry Fantoni), 1970
- Harris in Wonderland: By Philip Reid (pseudonim Ingramsa i Andrewa Osmonda), 1973
- God's Apology: A Chronicle of Three Friends, 1977
- Goldenballs, 1979
- Dear Bill: The Collected Letters of Denis Thatcher (koautor: John Wells), 1980
- Romney Marsh, 1980
- The Other Half: Further Letters of Denis Thatcher (koautor: John Wells), 1981
- One for the Road, (koautor: John Wells) 1982
- Piper's Places: John Piper in England & Wales (koautor: John Piper), 1983
- My Round! (koautor: John Wells), 1983
- Bottoms Up! (koautor: John Wells), 1984
- Down the Hatch! (koautor: John Wells), 1985
- John Stewart Collis: A Memoir, 1986
- Just the One (koautor: John Wells), 1986
- The Best of "Dear Bill" (koautor: John Wells), 1986
- Mud in Your Eye! (koautor: John Wells), 1987
- You Might as Well be Dead, 1988
- Still Going Strong (koautor: John Wells), 1988
- The Ridgeway: Europe's Oldest Road, 1988
- Number 10 (koautor: John Wells), 1989
- On and On (koautor: John Wells), 1990
- Muggeridge: The Biography, 1995
- I Once Met: Fifty Encounters koautor: the Famous, 1996
- My Friend Footy: A Memoir of Paul Foot, 2005
- The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett, 2005
- Urednik
- What the Papers Never Meant to Say: "Private Eye's" Second Book of Boobs, 1968
- The Life and Times of Private Eye 1961–1971, 1971
- Beachcomber: The Works of J. B. Morton, 1974
- Cobbett's Country Book: An Anthology of William Cobbett's Writings on Country Matters, 1974
- "Private Eye's" Book of Pseuds: A Mood Statement, 1975
- "Private Eye's" Second Book of Pseuds, 1977
- The Penguin Book of Private Eye Cartoons, 1983
- Dr Johnson by Mrs Thrale: The "Anecdotes" of Mrs Piozzi in Their Original Form, 1984
- England: An Anthology, 1989
- The Bumper Beachcomber, 1991
- The Oldie Book of Cartoons, 1996
- More Cartoons, 1996
- Jesus: Authors Take Sides: An Anthology, 1999
- The Oldie Book of Cartoons, 1992–2009, 2009
- The Oldie Book of Cartoons: A New Selection, 2013
- (en) Thompson, Harry (1994). Richard Ingrams: Lord of the Gnomes. London: Heinemann. ISBN 9780434778287. OCLC 31409786.